Fragrant flower clusters with creamy white fringe-like petals. The male flowers have longer petals than the female flowers.
Environments: Moist
Garden Cosmos
Pink, white or lavender cup-shaped flowers with a yellow center.
Garden Phlox
Dense, dome-shaped clusters of pink to purple or white flowers.
Giant Ironweed
Magenta flowers in a large, loose cluster at the end of the stem. Each flower head has 13-30 flowers. The leaves are up to 12 inches long, and are rough-hairy underneath.
Gray’s Sedge
Ornamental grass (sedge) with green seed heads that look like spiked clubs.
Great Blue Lobelia
Deep blue to purple flowers that open to two spreading lips. The upper lip has 2 lobes, the lower lip has 3 wider lobes with broad white stripes at the base.
Green and Gold
Yellow flowers that have 5 petals, each petal has 3 teeth on the end.
Hairy Bittercress
Tiny, white, cross-shaped flowers.
Hairy Leafcup
Clusters of yellow, daisy-like flowers with 8-15 petals. The plant is large, growing up to 10 feet tall. The leaves are also large, up to 14 inches long.
Hairy Sunflower
Yellow daisy-like flowers with 10-15 petals. The hairy leaves have stalks.