
Tubular flowers split into 2 lips. The upper lip is hooded and hairy. The lower, drooping lip has 3 lobes and purple spots. 6-10 flowers cluster at the top of the stem.

Kidneyleaf Rosinweed

Clusters of yellow flowers with 6-12 petals. The kidney-shaped leaves grow up to 14 inches long and are at the base of the plant.

Prickly Pear Cactus

The cactus is made of flattened oval pads with spines and bristles. Bright yellow flowers with a maroon base are open for one day. Seen in many home gardens in Morrisville.

Rough Sunflower

Bright yellow flowers with 8-15 petals and a darker yellow center. Leaves are rough on one or both sides, and hairy underneath.

Running Five-Fingers

Each plant has a single flower. Each of the 5 petals is narrow toward the center and rounded at the tip. The center of the flower is flattened and surrounded by many stamens.

Small Venus’ Looking Glass

Flowers range in color from blue-violet to pink-purple to lavender. They are star-shaped and have 5 white stamens. Flowers open one at a time.

Spotted Beebalm

Flowers in whorled clusters of 2-6 at the top of the stem. Each cluster of flowers is supported by large whitish to pink-purple leaf-like bracts. The flowers are yellow with purple spots, split into 2 lips. The lower lip has 3 lobes with a notched middle lobe, the upper lip is arched and hairy at the tip.

Tiny Bluet

Flowers are blue-lavender and have a darker, red center.