
Flowers are wrinkled. The flowers and fruit appear on last season’s branches, rarely on new shoots.

Carolina Horse-Nettle

The flower is star-shaped with five white to light violet petals. There are large yellow anthers in the center. The small green-yellow fruit looks like a tomato.

Carolina Rose

Fragrant, rose pink flowers with bright yellow stamens.

Common Agalinis

Pink tubular flowers that have purple spots and white hairs in the throat. This flower has short stalks (compared to slenderleaf agalinis with long stalks).

Common Elephant’s Foot

Small pink or purple flowers with three green, triangular bracts behind them. The hairy leaves lay flat on the ground.

Consumption Weed

Large bush with feathery white seeds in the late fall. The flowers are white in the female plant, and cream in the male plant.

Early Goldenrod

Flowers are mostly on one side of the stem. The rays around the center disk are unevenly spaced and do not open at the same time. It is one of the earliest blooming goldenrods, beginning in July.

Field Pansy

Solitary flowers with pale to medium blue-violet petals with dark purple lines. Petals are unequal. The lowest petal is the largest and has a yellow patch close to the center of the flower. The two side petals have white hairs near the throat.

Frost Aster

Flowers with 16-35 white petals. The center is yellow to reddish.