Have you ever seen any clearwing moths? There are two very common clearwing moths in North Carolina: the hummingbird clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) and the snowberry clearwing (Hemaris diffinis).
I was fooled the first time I saw each of these moths. The hummingbird clearwing looks like a small hummingbird. From the back, it is green on top and rusty brown on the bottom. It hovers around flowers and moves its wings very quickly, much like a hummingbird.
The snowberry clearwing, on the other hand, looks like a large bee. Its back is yellow and black. It moves like a hummingbird as well. The snowberry clearwing is also called bumblebee moth.
I have seen these moths most often on plants like beebalm, pickerelweed and milkweed. I’ve also seen them buzzing around tickseed sunflowers, geraniums and zinnias.
Let me know if you see a clearwing moth!