The periodical cicadas are here! Brood XIX is scheduled to emerge from the ground this summer. This brood has a 13 year life cycle (other broods have a 17 year life cycle). Above ground, they live for 3 to 4 weeks, just long enough to find a mate and lay their eggs. When the eggs hatch, the nymphs crawl into the ground and spend the next 13 years feeding on the roots of trees and growing very slowly. They emerge and quickly molt into adults and start the process all over again.
Did you know that periodical cicadas have red eyes? That’s one quick way to distinguish a periodical cicada from an annual cicada. Annual cicadas are green and black.
Male cicadas of both types are the ones that make noise the very loud noise. It is a mating call to attract a female.
Let me know when you see one!
Update: You can read more about cicada molting here.