Will any flowers start to bloom in December? Yes! You might have seen some Japanese mazus (Mazus pumilus) in the grass. I have a lot in my back yard. Although Japanese mazus in seen for most of the year, the experts say that it begins to bloom in December. Of course, there are a few… Continue reading What Flowers Will Bloom in December?
Category: Plants
What Flowers Will Bloom in February?
Several flowers start to bloom in February. These are the top 5 flowers that I saw last year. I can’t wait to see what comes up this month!
What Flowers Will Bloom in January?
We’re entering our final month where there is only a small amount of plant growth. What flowers will bloom in January? Officially, bluets, dandelions, henbit, dead nettle, and common chickweed start to bloom in January. Aside from bluets and dead nettle, all of these flowers can be seen on the trails right now. If you… Continue reading What Flowers Will Bloom in January?
What Flowers Will Bloom in July?
The large, showy flowers really start to come out in July. The sunflowers, beebalms, Joe-Pye-weeds and goldenrods start blooming this month. Look carefully in the shady, wet areas and you might find monkey flowers. Don’t forget to check the July Flower page for even more flowers that will bloom in July.
What Flowers Will Bloom in June?
We’re getting into the summer flowers as June approaches. It will be another busy month for new blooms. These are the top 5 flowers that I saw in June last year. Don’t forget to check the June Flower page to see even more flowers that will be blooming next month.
What Flowers Will Bloom in March?
The flowering trees will start to bloom this month. Look for the dogwoods, the beautiful pink blooms of the eastern redbud, and the colorful flowers of the azaleas. In the woods, look for jack-in-the-pulpit, rain lilies and little brown jugs.
What Flowers Will Bloom in May?
The month of May is the busiest month of the year for newly blooming flowers. You can easily see a new type of flower every day, so keep a watchful eye out for them! These are the top five new flowers that I saw in May last year. Don’t forget to check the May flower… Continue reading What Flowers Will Bloom in May?
What Flowers Will Bloom in November?
November is another month that doesn’t see many new flowers blooming. If you have a fall blooming camellia in your yard, your flowers might open this month. Also, keep an eye out for spring blooming flowers that might have a second bloom in the fall. Otherwise, November is a time to enjoy the beautiful colors… Continue reading What Flowers Will Bloom in November?
What Flowers Will Bloom in October?
Fall has arrived and we have reached the end of growing season. Will any new flowers bloom in October? I don’t have any flowers on my list. I checked a couple of reference books, and they don’t list any flowers that start to bloom in October either. Is there anything to look forward to in… Continue reading What Flowers Will Bloom in October?
What Flowers Will Bloom in September?
We’re heading into the end of the growing season. Many flowers are still in bloom, but will any new flowers begin to bloom in September? The asters will really start to bloom this month. Look for the many kinds of white, yellow (golden) and purple asters along the trails. Swamp sunflowers officially start blooming in… Continue reading What Flowers Will Bloom in September?