When I was looking at this sweetgum tree in November, it reminded me of a Christmas tree. The spherical fruits are dangling off the branches, hung like ornaments. The pine needles that fell from a nearby tree are scattered like tinsel. What do you think? Was Mother Nature decorating for the holidays?
Category: Plants
Passion Flower
Have you ever seen a passion flower (Passiflora incarnata)? I’ve seen them planted in gardens over the years, but for the first time this week, I saw one growing in the wild! Take a walk down the Crabtree Creek Greenway if you’d like to check them out.
Quiet Nature- October 8, 2024
Golden asters and blazing stars on the Shiloh Greenway.
Small White Asters
Have you seen the small white asters this fall? If you walk by them quickly, you’d think that they were all the same plant. But look carefully, and you’ll notice that there are several different white asters out there. Here are some of the more common asters in our area: Long-stalked aster (Symphyotrichum dumosum)- the… Continue reading Small White Asters
The Many Shapes of Oak Leaves
Did you know that over 30 species of oak trees (Quercus) can be found in North Carolina? Worldwide, there are more than 450 different species! I had been surprised earlier this summer by Sawtooth Oak and Water Oak. Their leaf shape was not what I was expecting for an oak tree. Their acorns caught my… Continue reading The Many Shapes of Oak Leaves
Tickseed-Sunflowers are in Full Bloom
Have you noticed the beautiful displays of midwestern tickseed-sunflowers lately? The flowers can be found on each of the trails in Morrisville. These are some pictures from the Shiloh Greenway taken on September 15th.
Triangle Orchid Society’s Fall for Orchids Show
We had the great pleasure to attend the Triangle Orchid Society’s Fall for Orchids show at the JC Raulston Arboretum last weekend. We enjoyed beautiful displays of orchids, listened to informative talks from orchid experts, and even got to shop for orchids and supplies. The orchid show happens every year at the JC Raulston Arboretum.… Continue reading Triangle Orchid Society’s Fall for Orchids Show
Very Early Signs of Spring
Have you noticed any signs of spring this January? Many early spring flowers have already started to grow. They might not be in bloom yet, but their leaves are poking up out of the ground. Today I saw henbit, yellow thistle, clover, and Carolina geranium leaves.
What Flowers Will Bloom in April?
Spring has finally arrived and the flowers are really starting bloom! These are the top 5 flowers that I saw in April last year. Check the April Flower page to see what other flowers will be blooming.
What Flowers Will Bloom in August?
There are still lots of new blooms to see in August! Look for the many types of asters and goldenrods. Elephant’s foot, agalinis, and southern crownbeard will also start to bloom. My favorite flower this month is midwestern tickseed-sunflower. You will see large clumps of it blooming on every trail! Don’t forget to check the… Continue reading What Flowers Will Bloom in August?