Bell-shaped white flower.
Bloom Times: March
Mock Strawberry
The flower has 5 blunt-tipped oval petals and a yellow center.
Narrowleaf Vetch
Pink pea-shaped flower
Solitary purple flowers with a pinwheel shape. There is a white mark at the base of each petal.
Rain Lily
Fragrant white trumpet flowers that turn pink after pollination.
Running Five-Fingers
Each plant has a single flower. Each of the 5 petals is narrow toward the center and rounded at the tip. The center of the flower is flattened and surrounded by many stamens.
Southern Bluet
Solitary, tiny, four petaled white flowers
Spring Beauty
Star-shaped flowers with 5 petals that are white to pink with dark pink stripes.
Sticky Mouse-ear
Clusters of small white flowers with 5 deeply notched petals.
Tiny Bluet
Flowers are blue-lavender and have a darker, red center.