Single, bright yellow flowers at the ends of smooth, hollow stalks.
Bloom Times: March
Dead Nettle
Purple-pink flowers. The top petal is hairy and hooded. The 2 lower lip petals are lighter in color and have purple spots. There are 3-6 flowers on end of the stem.
The true flower is the small green center. It is surrounded by 4 white, petal-like, 2 inch long bracts that are notched at the ends. These white bracts are commonly mistaken for the actual flowers.
Eastern Redbud
Clusters of pink to red or purple pea-shaped flowers blooming before the leaves. Flowers grow right on the stems of new and old branches.
Field Pansy
Solitary flowers with pale to medium blue-violet petals with dark purple lines. Petals are unequal. The lowest petal is the largest and has a yellow patch close to the center of the flower. The two side petals have white hairs near the throat.
Green and Gold
Yellow flowers that have 5 petals, each petal has 3 teeth on the end.
Hairy Bittercress
Tiny, white, cross-shaped flowers.
Tubular flowers split into 2 lips. The upper lip is hooded and hairy. The lower, drooping lip has 3 lobes and purple spots. 6-10 flowers cluster at the top of the stem.
Jack in the Pulpit
There are one to two leaves, each divided into 3 large leaflets, creating an umbrella for the flower. Under the leaves is the pulpit, which is a green, hooded cover surrounding the flower spike (or jack). The tiny flowers are hiding inside the pulpit and they are clustered on a green or yellow spike. The flower size mentioned here is the jack size.
Little Brown Jug
Jug-shaped flowers growing at the base of the plant, often under the heart-shaped leaves.