Scarlet Rose Mallow

There is one funnel-shaped flower per stalk. Flower petals are spoon-shaped and slightly creased.

Slender Mountain-Mint

Flower is white to pale pink. It has a tubular opening spreading into two lips, the lower lip having three lobes. Each flower has 2 purple anthers. The flowers are crowded in dense, branching, flat-topped heads.

Smooth Rose-Mallow

White to pink funnel-shaped flowers with a maroon center. Each flower lasts for a day.

Sourwood Tree

White, bell-shaped flowers on a slender, 4-8 inch long panicle.

Spotted Beebalm

Flowers in whorled clusters of 2-6 at the top of the stem. Each cluster of flowers is supported by large whitish to pink-purple leaf-like bracts. The flowers are yellow with purple spots, split into 2 lips. The lower lip has 3 lobes with a notched middle lobe, the upper lip is arched and hairy at the tip.

Starry Rosinweed

Large, yellow, daisy-like flowers with 8-20 petals and a yellow center. The leaves can be alternate  or opposite.

Sulphur Cosmos

Golden yellow to orange cup-shaped flowers with a yellow center.

Trumpet Creeper

Clusters of orange-red trumpet-shaped flowers with 5 flared lobes.