More than 20 white (sometimes light pink) threadlike petals with a yellow center.
Bloom Times: August
Single, bright yellow flowers at the ends of smooth, hollow stalks.
Dead Nettle
Purple-pink flowers. The top petal is hairy and hooded. The 2 lower lip petals are lighter in color and have purple spots. There are 3-6 flowers on end of the stem.
Downy Skullcap
Tubular flowers open to 2 lips. The upper lip is hooded. The lower lip is larger and has a white patch near the throat. Several flowers grow along a central stalk (raceme).
Dwarf St. John’s-wort
Flowers are in branching clusters at the end of the stem.
Early Goldenrod
Flowers are mostly on one side of the stem. The rays around the center disk are unevenly spaced and do not open at the same time. It is one of the earliest blooming goldenrods, beginning in July.
Eastern Oxeye
Yellow flower petals have slightly notched tips. The flower has a brownish-yellow center cone.
Evening Primrose
Cross-shaped flower with pale yellow, heart-shaped petals. The flower opens in the evening and closes during the heat of the day.
Garden Cosmos
Pink, white or lavender cup-shaped flowers with a yellow center.
Hairy Cat’s-ear
Dandelion-like flowers with many yellow petals. Each petal is squared-off and has 5 teeth. The flowers are solitary at the end of tall, leafless stems. The lobed, hairy leaves form a basal rosette.