Philadelphia Fleabane

One hundred or more white (sometimes pink or lavender) threadlike petals surrounding a yellow center. The leaves and stem are shaggy-hairy. The leaves are oval and clasp the stem.

Rain Lily

Fragrant white trumpet flowers that turn pink after pollination.

Running Five-Fingers

Each plant has a single flower. Each of the 5 petals is narrow toward the center and rounded at the tip. The center of the flower is flattened and surrounded by many stamens.

Sallow Sedge

Ornamental grass (sedge) with yellow-green seed heads that look like spiked corncobs.

Slender Blue Iris

Lavender to violet flowers with 3 small petals and 3 long sepals. The sepals have white patches that are tinged with yellow, and have dark veins.

Small Venus’ Looking Glass

Flowers range in color from blue-violet to pink-purple to lavender. They are star-shaped and have 5 white stamens. Flowers open one at a time.

Small’s Ragwort

Bright yellow flowers in branching flat-topped clusters with 20 or more individual flowers.

Spring Beauty

Star-shaped flowers with 5 petals that are white to pink with dark pink stripes.