Yellow-orange flowers with toothed petals, often growing in clumps. The leaves are linear with 1-2 lobes.
Bloom Times: April
Large Yellow Vetch
Pea-shaped yellow to whitish flowers that are sometimes streaked with purple.
Little Brown Jug
Jug-shaped flowers growing at the base of the plant, often under the heart-shaped leaves.
Bell-shaped white flower.
Mock Strawberry
The flower has 5 blunt-tipped oval petals and a yellow center.
Multiflora Rose
Showy, fragrant, white five petaled flowers.
Narrow-leaf Evening Primrose
Cup-shaped flower with notched petals. Flowers close at night (compared to other primroses that open at night).
Narrowleaf Vetch
Pink pea-shaped flower
Ox-eye Daisy
White ray petals with flattened yellow center disk flowers. Each stem has a single flower.
Solitary purple flowers with a pinwheel shape. There is a white mark at the base of each petal.