Fragrant, bright yellow funnel shaped flowers. This is a twining vine that is commonly seen on trees.
Bloom Times: April
Spherical to egg-shaped flower. Each flower head has 40-100 florets.
Common Chickweed
Small white flowers with 5 deeply divided petals, giving the appearance of 10 petals.
Coral Honeysuckle
Trumpet-shaped flower that is red on the outside and yellow on the inside.
Corn Chamomile
Daisy-like flowers with 10-18 white petals and a domed yellow center.
Creeping Water Primrose
Water plant with a 5 petaled yellow flower and red stems.
Daisy Fleabane
More than 20 white (sometimes light pink) threadlike petals with a yellow center.
Single, bright yellow flowers at the ends of smooth, hollow stalks.
Dead Nettle
Purple-pink flowers. The top petal is hairy and hooded. The 2 lower lip petals are lighter in color and have purple spots. There are 3-6 flowers on end of the stem.
The true flower is the small green center. It is surrounded by 4 white, petal-like, 2 inch long bracts that are notched at the ends. These white bracts are commonly mistaken for the actual flowers.